Feeding guinea pigs

As guinea pigs are unable to create vitamin C in their bodies similarly to humans, this vitamin must be provided in the fodder.

Every type of an animal has its specifics in feeding. In guinea pigs, it is the need for continuous supply of vitamin C. The guinea pig is the only domestic animal that is not capable of producing this vitamin in its digestion tract (similarly to humans).

The daily dose of vitamin C for an average guinea pig is at least 10 mg and this requirement is much higher in pregnant, nursing or otherwise stressed animals.

Adding fresh green fodder (such as grass), vegetables (such as cabbage) or fruit (apples) is the most common solution for this. Feeding sprouted grains (oat, barley) has been tried successfully in greater breeding operations in the past.

Feeding complete fodder mixtures especially formulated for guinea pigs, which contain vitamin C, is currently the easiest solution.

All pet owners want to prepare diverse feeding doses for our pets, which is why they add hay, pieces of fruit or vegetables to pellets and naturally provide a good-quality drinking water.

Související články

5. října 2018

Každý druh zvířat má i v krmení svoje zvláštnosti. U morčat je to požadavek na trvalý přísun vitamínu C. Ze všech našich domácích zvířat je morče jediným, které si tento vitamín (podobně jako my lidé) nedokáže sám vyrobit v trávicím systému.


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